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TDR2系列 2W电源???/h1>



The TDR-2 series is a family of compact 2 W dc/dc-converters with 2:1 input volt?age ranges and tightly regulated output voltages even under no load conditions.


 The TDR-2 series is a family of compact 2 W dc/dc-converters with 2:1 input volt­age ranges and tightly regulated output voltages even under no load conditions. The product is available in SMD-package or in DIP-package. They work with high efficiency over the full load range and come with a remote On/Off input.
The usability in temperature ranges of up to 85°C without power derating, continu­ous short circuit protection and excellent immunity against environmental influences make these converters very reliable.
A TDR-2 converter is the ideal solution for space critical high end applications in communication equipment, instrumentation and industrial electronics.

 Order code
DIP models
Order code
SMD models
Input voltage range
Output voltage
Output current max.
Efficiency typ.
TDR 2-0511
TDR 2-0511SM
5.0 VDC
400 mA
80 %
TDR 2-0512
TDR 2-0512SM
12 VDC
167 mA
81 %
TDR 2-0513
TDR 2-0513SM
4.5 9.0 VDC
15 VDC
134 mA
83 %
TDR 2-0522
TDR 2-0522SM
(5 VDC nominal)
±12 VDC
±83 mA
81 %
TDR 2-0523
TDR 2-0523SM
±15 VDC
±67 mA
82 %
TDR 2-1211
TDR 2-1211SM
5.0 VDC
400 mA
81 %
TDR 2-1212
TDR 2-1212SM
12 VDC
167 mA
81 %
TDR 2-1213
TDR 2-1213SM
9 18 VDC
15 VDC
134 mA
84 %
TDR 2-1222
TDR 2-1222SM
(12 VDC nominal)
±12 VDC
±83 mA
83 %
TDR 2-1223
TDR 2-1223SM
±15 VDC
±67 mA
82 %
TDR 2-2411
TDR 2-2411SM
5.0 VDC
400 mA
81 %
TDR 2-2412
TDR 2-2412SM
12 VDC
167 mA
84 %
TDR 2-2413
TDR 2-2413SM
18 36 VDC
15 VDC
134 mA
84 %
TDR 2-2422
TDR 2-2422SM
(24 VDC nominal)
±12 VDC
±83 mA
84 %
TDR 2-2423
TDR 2-2423SM
±15 VDC
±67 mA
84 %
TDR 2-4811
TDR 2-4811SM
5.0 VDC
400 mA
81 %
TDR 2-4812
TDR 2-4812SM
12 VDC
167 mA
82 %
TDR 2-4813
TDR 2-4813SM
36 75 VDC
15 VDC
134 mA
82 %
TDR 2-4822
TDR 2-4822SM
(48 VDC nominal)
±12 VDC
±83 mA
83 %
TDR 2-4823
TDR 2-4823SM
±15 VDC
±67 mA
83 %


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