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ASTRODYNE公司的电源产品, ASTRODYNE是美国公司, 成立于1994年, 主要些中国台湾电源产品, 销往美洲。ASTRODYNE亚太公司为美国ASTRODYNE资的子公司, 2000年7月在中国台湾成立, 研发电源产品, 2004年3月成立销售部门, 开始推广市场, 75%产品销往欧洲。ASTRODYNE公司员工有105人, 其产品主要应用在设备上, 针对4000VAC电压以及应用中的低漏电流要求, 提供以下产品:

High Density DC/DC Converters


Shop for High Density DC Converters

Astrodyne's extensive line of DC/DC converters provide both a high performance and low cost power conversion solutions for ecommunications, industrial, data acquisition, embedded systems, or any application where efficient distributed power is required.

Our 0.75 watt to 350 watt power offering gives you the flexibility of high density, wide input range converters in fully encapsulated SIP, DIP, Standard 1” x 2” and ½ Brick modules as well as open frame with integral heatsink and cage-enclosed styles. The modules and open frames are PCB mounted while the enclosed modules offer screw terminals for Input/Output connect ability.

  • 0.75W to 350W Output Power
  • Single or Multiple Point-Of-Load Application
  • Wide Range of Outputs From 1.1VDC to 118VDC
  • Isolation Up To 1,500Volts
  • Regulated Outputs
  • SIP, DIP, ½ Brick Modular and Open Frame Packages
  • Constant Current Power Supplies

High Density DC-DC Converter Series

0.75 Watt Supplies
1 Watt Supplies
1.5 Watt Supplies
  • DUP75
  • DU1P0
  • ASD105
  • DR1P5
  • SB1R5


3 Watt Supplies
5 Watt Supplies
6 Watt Supplies
  • ASD03
  • MKC03
  • PMKC03
  • SB03
  • VKC03
  • ASD05
  • ASD05H
  • FDC05
  • FKC05
  • SB05
  • ASD06


7 Watt Supplies
7.5 Watt Supplies
8 Watt Supplies
  • ASD07
  • ASD07H
  • ASD705
  • ASD08
  • SB08


10 Watt Supplies
15 Watt Supplies
20 Watt Supplies
  • ASD10
  • ASD10H
  • FDC10
  • HNA
  • ST10
  • ASD15
  • ASD15H
  • FEC15
  • LCD15W
  • LED15W
  • ST15
  • ASD20
  • FDC20
  • FED20W
  • OPN20
  • SU20


40 Watt Supplies
60 Watt Supplies
  • FEC40
  • FDC60


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